Dear St. James Families,
We are so excited to welcome you all and pray you have had a great summer. As usual, the whole family will begin in church and after the children’s opening, the kids will go down to Sunday School. You are welcome to sit with your child at the front in the opening and then escort them downstairs to their classroom to get them settled. All kids exit through the front of the church with the teachers except those in Grade 5 and 6 who exit at the back. (Their classroom is across the street off the parking lot.) At the end of the service, you go downstairs to sign your child out. Usually we have the SJ Cafe available but this week we have a church picnic down the street at Norway Hall. (Only one block away). This is a barbecue and so hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be available. Please bring a folding chair and a side dish or dessert to share. If your little one is younger than three and you need to leave the service for any reason, we have a nursery downstairs. The service will be playing live on the TV so you can stay connected and know when to return for communion if you wish. Also, in the lobby we have bags on hooks which can be borrowed for the service with toys and activities intended to keep your little one occupied.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday September 8th at 10 am!
If you have questions, please email, text or phone me.
Carol Mittelstaedt
Director Of Young Family Ministry
347 724-0419