Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
Are you considering a baptism at St. James? –This is an important decision. St. James Lutheran Church wants to help you have this be the very best for your child. The next steps are to speak to the pastor in person and to obtain our Baptism Packet. You can arrange both these things by calling the Church Office at 631-584-5212.
We also do baptisms for adults and children of all ages who have not yet been baptized. If you are seeking baptism for yourself, call the Church Office and arrange to speak with the pastor. He will be very interested to speak with you.
God bless you!

Holy Communion
Lutheran Christians believe and teach that in the Sacrament of the Altar, the gifts of Christ’s true body and blood are given to those who receive the bread and wine. In this sacrament, Christ’s people receive forgiveness of sins, strength for our journey of faith, and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. All who have been baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection, and who trust His words that these gifts are given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins are invited to receive the Sacrament.
We regularly run classes for both children and adults for those who want to learn more about the Lord’s Supper. For those enrolled in our Confirmation program, Communion instruction happens during 7th Grade. If you would like more information about this, please contact Pastor Neil.
Young children who do not receive the Sacrament or anyone who has not been instructed may come forward for a blessing.