Dear Friends of St. James Lutheran Church and Preschool,
We are looking to present 100 Bibles to our incoming Preschoolers!
$10 buys a Children’s Bible!
Would you like to help us fund this amazing project to kick start a young one’s spiritual journey? And how awesome for you to encourage our incoming parents to read the Bible to their children. You can buy 1, 2 or 10! It’s up to you how many you want to bless!
You will be given the name of the child who received your Bible and you can pray for that child and their family throughout the school year. Your name will also be written on the book plate inside the front cover as a reminder that they are loved and prayed for by a church individual/family.
To give, just pay online at Memo: Preschool Bible and your name.
You can place the form and cash/check directly in the box in the narthex
or send a check in an envelope and mail a check to us at:
St. James Lutheran Church, 230 Second Ave., St. James, NY 11780.
Thank you for blessing God’s Littlest Children!
~ STJLC Young Family Ministry