We hope that you will join us for worship opportunities this week at STJLC! See what we’ve got to offer below.
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Services will be offered at the normal worship times – 5:30pm on Saturday, and 8:30am and 10:30am on Sunday, with Sunday School being offered during the 10:30am service. You must make a reservation for worship – you can do so by clicking here!
Maundy Thursday
This year, we are not having Maundy Thursday services at the church. Instead, we would like to offer you an at-home worship activity for you to take part in. We have two versions of this activity – one of them is specifically targeted towards young families, but anybody can do the other one. Click the buttons below to be taken to your choice, where you can download it or print it for yourself. Printed versions will also be available at worship services this weekend.
Good Friday
We will have a 7pm Good Friday Tenebrae Service on Friday, April 2nd. You can make reservations for that service by clicking here! Additionally, the Tenebrae service will be streamed live on the internet at stjlc.com/live.
Easter Walkaround

Please consider joining us for the Easter Walkaround! This will take place from 10am-2pm on Saturday, April 3rd, and will tell the whole story, from Palm Sunday through Good Friday and including Easter Sunday! We wanted to offer this for our community, especially since we know we cannot fit everyone inside our church for Easter services. Make plans now to bring your family to the church for this one-of-a-kind experience – and invite your friends and neighbors too!
Easter Sunday
We will have 3 services on Easter Sunday – 8am Traditional with Brass, 9:30am Family Service with the Band, and 11am Traditional with Choir. You must make a reservation for your service (please note: services are filling up very fast and you may not get a spot – we are limited to the number of spots we can have based on state and county ordinances). Sign up for Easter Services by clicking here. We will also offer an Online Worship opportunity at stjlc.com/online-worship.