Outreach Contact: Lauretta Sauer- 631-431-4185 email – Lnd102587@aol.com
The Outreach Ministry Group’s mission is to be God’s helping hands to individuals and groups in need both locally and globally. We have supported many people through fundraisers and collections; some of which include:
-Lutheran World Relief School and health kits
-Blood drives
-Bake Sales/November church fair
-Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
-Mother’s Day/ Father’s Day collections
-Christmas Angel Tree/Salvation Army
-Mercy Center Ministry collection for unwed teen mothers-Patchogue
-Siena House/ Women of domestic violence collection- Port Jefferson
-Hope House/ MENS homeless shelter/ home for addicted youth Collections- Port Jefferson
– Lighthouse Mission collections- Bellport
– Mite collection for Lutheran Women’s Misionary League projects (LWML)
-Soup pots for missionary support, Smithtown Emergency Food Pantry, disaster relief/ needs
-King Kullen (St. James) Care and Share receipt collection for Outreach Ministry projects
-Stamp collection to provide a deaf interpreter for LWML convention